ADDITIONAL HOLIDAY CLUB THIS YEAR! We will be running during February half term: Monday 15 to Friday 19 February 2021. For this and other dates, please visit the Holiday Club page
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September 2020 newsletter
Our COVID-19 policy
Here is our COVID-19 policy and our Parent Agreement for wraparound care.
Covid-19 policy Wraparound care
Covid-19-agreement Parents September 2020
Hooray! Breakfast and after school club Thursday 3 September 2020!
Summer Holiday Club 2020 Further Information and FAQs
Summer holiday club 2020
Dear parents
We are very happy to announce that we will be running our summer holiday club in August!
We received confirmation from the Government last Tuesday that holiday clubs will be permitted to operate (following all appropriate hygiene and safety measures) and we are waiting on further guidance to be published this week as to how holiday clubs will look. We imagine we will be looking at a number of bubbles of up to 15/16 children in each (based on friendship and sibling groups) with the same staff members dedicated to each group as much as possible. Our day trips will be shorter and will involve a walk (not public transport) to local parks and playgrounds.
We ask that parents choose week one (Monday 17 to Friday 21 August) and/or week two (Monday 24 to Friday 28 August) and/or BOTH INSET days (Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 September) or all three options.
The day will run from 8.30am to 3.30pm with possibly a breakfast club and later pick up to be confirmed next week. The cost will be £40 per day with a 10% discount for siblings.
If you would like to book please respond to this email with your choices as above. Please also indicate whether or not you would like a breakfast club or later pick up and we will do our best to accommodate this.
Please be aware that this is provisional and subject to amendment. Fortunately our holiday club is running at the end of the summer holidays so we can watch closely and see what works well with other clubs and amend our offering accordingly!
Our club will be, as always, focused on play, fun, socialising with peers and being outdoors as much as possible. As a team, we are so much looking forward to it!
Please get in touch with any queries you may have,
The Holly Tree Club Team
07971 215411