We are looking for one or possibly two team members to join our team. There are two roles available:
- Food preparation – Arrive at The Bell House, Halstow Primary School after school drop off (around 8.30/9am) Mondays to Fridays term-time. Prepare the ‘substantial snack’ all children are served during the afterschool club, do a weekly food order, stock check and stock rotation at both the Bell House and The Bridge. Time involved: approximately one hour daily.
- After school club team leader or deputy team leader – This involves arriving at 3pm (finishing at 6pm) to set up the play space, collecting the children from school, escorting them to one of two after school club venues, serving snack, engaging and playing with the children, understanding that each child is unique and comes to club with their individual needs and wants, ensuring the smooth running of the afternoon liaising with team members and delegating where necessary, coordinating the pickups of children from extracurricular activities and facilitating excellent communication with parents, carers, the school and other stakeholders.
We are looking for one or two people who are very caring, friendly and approachable, who are confident at interacting with children and parents, working in a team and assuming responsibility for the setting as necessary. The ideal team leader will already have substantial experience in looking after children (preferably in a professional capacity), have a background in education, childcare or playwork and be highly attuned to child-focused play and to the different developmental stages of a child’s physical and emotional development.
We meet together as a management team every Wednesday from 2.20pm to 3pm during term-time, we have a full training session each year and induction sessions for all new staff.
We are very flexible! These roles can be combined into one role or shared with another team member. All team members commit to working a pre-agreed number of days of holiday club throughout the year. Your primary school aged children are welcome too.
We are a very friendly and mutually supportive team and we have backgrounds in teaching, playwork, Special Educational Needs, coaching and child psychology as well as in business and HR.
Pay is generous, negotiable and is dependent on experience and qualifications.
Please see the Job and Person specification:
These positions are available from January 2021, or sooner so as to allow time for training and handover.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Holly on 0971 215411 or thehollytreeclub@hotmail.com.