Are you a keyworker looking for childcare over February half term?

February Holiday Club for keyworker children

Monday 15 to Friday 19 February 9am to 3.30pm £180

Halstow Primary School SE10 0LD

As many of you will remember, our summer holiday club was so wonderful – we loved the bubbles as everyone got to know each other really well, we watched lots of lovely new friendships develop and we were able to give each child lots of individual care and attention. During the February holiday club, we plan to follow the same format and do trips out to parks within walking distance of us eg. the Pleasaunce and Mycenae Gardens.

If you would like your child to attend, please email with the following information:

1) Full name, age, date of birth, year group and school

2) The names and telephone numbers of two emergency contacts

3) Any likes/dislikes, preferences, medical, SEND or other information that you feel we should know about your child.

Please be assured that we are closely adhering to all Government guidance and we operate a safe, and happy, play environment.

Please get in touch with any queries!  Holly 07971 215411