Ofsted came to visit us in February 2024 and we are really happy with their report! Here are some of the highlights:
‘Relationships between staff and children are exceptionally warm and caring’.
‘Staff set clear expectations of how children will behave and, as a result, children’s behaviour is exemplary’.
The club motto is ‘all different all equal’, and this is demonstrated through the highly inclusive ethos’.
‘Parents […] say they feel their children are safe here and that they enjoy being here, which makes them happy’.
‘Parents and staff praise the leadership of the club. They describe the running of every session as appearing seamless due to the exceptional organisation. Staff say they love working here and feel supported by the manager, who they describe as amazing’.
‘There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children’s interests first’.
And you can read all of it here: EYR Inspection Report EIF